
Both Roland and Alister have been Professional hunters in Zambia for many years and have experienced some of the most exhilarating moments, and appreciate the Natural beauty that Zambia has to offer. As the years have gone by and we witness the ever growing human population, and see the land use plans developing, leaving less and less space for the wild animals to move freely, they have realized that if they don’t take serious care of what we have now, it will be lost forever, in a very, very, short time. The Lua no Valley is one example of this such case. There is nothing that would be more tragic to them, than to sit around a campfire twenty years down the Road telling their future generations what elephants looked like and how it was ‘back in the good old days’.






Killing the Shepherd is the story of Luano and its people. The ups and downs of saving this paradise from complete depletion. The hard work,effort and dedication from Makasa Safaris. Well worth checking out this incredible film by filmmaker Tom Opre.

Safari operator Roland Norton was recruited by Her Royal Highness Chief Shikabeta to come to the Lower Luano Valley. She wanted help. Her people were dying. She needed someone with the expertise to implement a social food Stability program and add additional economic opportunities to help lift her people out of absolute poverty. No help came from the government, the United Nations, or NGOs. The Norton’s aren’t financially “rich.” But they have enough $ to invest and the expertise to help the community get up the first couple of rungs of the ladder of prosperity. In this clip, Roland expresses his total commitment to the people of Shikabeta — until the day he dies! Do you know anyone who has made a similar commitment to help those less fortunate?